FIREtalk Conference - Research on FIRE!

The FIREtalk Conference is the final event for the FIREtalk project of the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung and organised by members of FIRE - the Network for Female International REsearch.

We invite members of the network, in particular our FIRE Young Academics, to present their research. Selected papers will be published in a peer-reviewed open access journal. Details to be provided later. We expect research papers from a variety of backgrounds, reflecting the interdisciplinary membership of the FIRE network.

The conference will run in the BarCamp format; this means that applications as outlined in the form below are required. The program will be determined in the line-up at the beginning of each conference day. Some general information on the barcamp format. You can find the agenda here after the line ups.

Basic BarCamp Rules

  1. Rule: You attend=you participate at the BarCamp.
  2. Rule: You do blog about the BarCamp using the hashtag #SOMEhashtag.
  3. Rule: To present, you must write your topic and name etc and it will be allocated a presentation slot during the line-up.
  4. Rule: Only three word intros (your keywords in application).
  5. Rule: As many presentations at a time as facilities allow for.
  6. Rule: No pre-scheduled presentations, no tourists.
  7. Rule: Presentations will go on as long as they have to or until they run into another presentation slot.


Date: week 25-29 August; arrival Monday, 25 August, departure 29 August

Conference Schedule

  • 25th August Arrival Day
  • 26th August Day 1 - Research Presentations
  • 27th August Day 2 - Industry Day; Research Presentation with Industry Focus and Doctoral Consortium
  • 28th August Day 3 - Workshop and Tutorial Day; workshop length ½ day or full day (we could also run this parallel to day 2) Have to do calculations today.
  • 29th August Departure Day

Venue: Nelson Mandela African Institution for Science and Technology (NM-AIST), Arusha, Tanzania

Costs: Participation in the conference is free to those admitted. However, to confirm your spot we ask you to donate 10€/10$/15000TSh to a local Tanzanian charity.

Selection Criteria for participation:

  1. You are either a) a FIRE member b) a member of FIRE Young Academics c) a student at NM-AIST d) a female researcher at NM-AIST e) you received an invitation from a FIRE member.
  2. You submit a complete application (no extension after deadlines, no “Oh, I didn’t read your information” etc  by the deadline 23rd March.
  3. Quality of the submission regarding research
  4. Equal distribution across the FIRE network.
  5. There are still spots left (there is a limit at approx. 80 participants).

How to get there: Kilimanjaro International Airport is conveniently located. It is a 45 minutes drive and we will coordinate transport to the venue. If you are travelling by bus, there are several daily connections from Dar Es Salaam or Nairobi to Arusha.

Accommodation: We have blocked a number of rooms at a lodge near the venue and a hotel in town. We will inform the participants in their acceptance letter. Participants can of course also choose other accommodation on their own budget. The closest hotel with a very good standard is the Arusha Serena Hotel in Tengeru, the Gran Melia in Arusha and within a short drive the Rivertrees Country Inn in Usa River. There is a wide variety of hotels available in Arusha.

Who can apply to attend the FIREtalk Conference?

  • Members of the FIRE network
  • Members of the FIRE Young Academics (FIRE YA; FIRE YA members are young female research colleagues connected to any of the FIRE members. You will be contacted and invited to submit an application.)
  • NM-AIST Students
  • Female Researchers at NM-AIST
  • Industry Researchers, interested in collaboration

We encourage collaboration (max. 60 minutes sessions with 2-3 contributors), so feel free to organize submissions that would fit together; highlight such matching contributions in your summary.

Your contribution or session is 20 minutes, 30 minutes or 40 minutes. Workshops are half a day or full days.


  • 23rd March: Everyone has to apply by 23rd March, including FIRE members, FIRE YA, DHBW and NM-AIST postgraduate students.
  • 16th April: If selected, you need to confirm your spot by 16 April, including a copy of your donation to TANZANIAN charity.
  • 11th August: The 1st version of your paper has to be submitted by 11th August (2 weeks before the conference) if it should be considered for review. The submission link will be provided with your confirmation for conference registration.


FIRE Englisch

FIRE Englisch
BarCamp Contribution: All participants also need to submit the following
Fields marked with * are mandatory

Local Chair: Prof. Dr.Ing. Verdiana Masanja, CoCSE, NM-AIST, Tanzania

Conference Committee:

  • Dr Cashandra Mara, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
  • Dr Ivy Rose Mathews, Botho University, Botswana
  • Prof. Dr. Zeynep Tuncer, DHBW, Germany
  • Dr Judith Wanda, St Augustine University of Tanzania, Tanzania

Review Committee:



The Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM supports the international exchange of students and vocationally qualified people. Since 2001, it has enabled more than 25,000 young people from Baden-Württemberg to gain experience abroad and allowed scholarship holders from other countries to visit Baden-Württemberg. Approximately 1,500 young people receive a Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM each year.

Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM for University Students – BWS plus

With the Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM for University Students – BWS plus, the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung supports innovative joint projects between universities from Baden-Württemberg and their international partners. The programme is endowed with approximately 1.2 million euros annually. Since 2011, more than 100 BWS plus projects have been supported at universities in Baden-Württemberg. FIRE is a project financed within the framework of the scholarship program of the Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM for university students - BWS plus. Aim of the program is to establish and build on new relationships with foreign universities and intensify existing contacts for the long term. FIRE is hosted at DHBW.

The Baden-Württemberg Stiftung

advocates a vital Baden-Württemberg with a high quality of life for all its residents. It helps pave the way for advanced technological progress, high quality education, and a responsible relationship with fellow human beings. The Baden-Württemberg Stiftung is one of the major foundations in Germany. It is the only foundation which exclusively and above party lines invests in the future of the state of Baden- Württemberg – and thus in the future of its citizens.